The New Normal Dealing with Loss

I had never felt a sense of loss till someone robbed us point blank. Why didn’t he shoot himself after he shot her ? Is he going to come after us next? Is he scheming up a plan to do anything more? What really happened in Vegas? Where you really planning a trip for both of you or were you going to do both of you? I will forever ask these questions. I wish i could see you and tell you how i feel to give me closure for i miss your kids so much. Words can’t express the pain and hurt we feel each day since you shot her she was only 24. Why didn’t you just take your life? Murder premeditated i hate your actions. Why why her? I miss you so much.

Why do we go through such experiences life is about choices. Make choices you had a choice but you chose that route. March 20 March 30 two put to rest on april 20th a double funeral in a church a brother who couldn’t live with out his sister opened for closure, blue coffin, in a pink rose coffin next to him a closes coffin lays his sister murdered by a fatal lover. Kids ages 1,2,5, 6 all wanting to see their mommy but couldnt. We mourn continuously. Let time have time and let him live forever.



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